Thursday, April 3, 2008

Disaster Movies: Hollywood's Bread and Butter

It's next to impossible to avoid a conversation about the latest consumer obsessions, rejections, and misconceptions. How many times have you talked about i-pods, reality TV, and drugged up starlets? Of these, how many conversations were concerned with being screwed over by this person or that company? Now ask yourself how many (civil) conversations you have had about Darfur, Iraq, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, ET AL? Unless you have lucked out and have a few people able to deal with these heady topics then I know your answer.
Which is to say, we are a culture avoiding the issues so that we can remain sane enough to continue with our comfortable life-styles. Escapist America doesn't stop at the silver screen or prime time viewing. Its on the streets around the corner in your office and singing you to sleep. This is a 24 hour gossip nation and how could it be any other way? Mindless entertainment, though a strain for high-minded movie watchers, serves a clear and honest purpose.

We call it the film industry for a reason. This isn't an excuse but it surely is a reason why we have movies like Plan 9, Ishtar, North, and I Know Who Killed Me.

These being commercial and critical flops doesn't explain more successful crap fests like Saw or Alien vs. Predator. These are dumb ass movies but audiences keep coming back for more. Why?
I'm not immune, I've simply rationalized that my sources of entertainment are of a more intellectual fare than say, The Amazing So You Think You Want to be an American Dance Idol Race (hosted by Donald Trump). I'd rather watch Space Opera 47 or Edgy Cartoon Comedy Drama because they are relevant and well written.

Hypocrisy aside, this is the truth. Our need for escapism, if not an important one, is at least an old one. America is in a dark place these days. Ignorance is rampant. Its gloom and doom on the streets. Babies and puppies are exploding. "Mass hysteria!" If brainy nerds had the time to think about something other than paying the bill, saving up for the next hot video game, and tearing into tanking Sci-Fi franchises we'd have a civil war on our hands. There is nothing more horrifying than an angry nerd. Except maybe the prospect of a mob of angry nerds is more reason for concern.

I'm not here to offer answers. The thing to do is learn to appreciate the question for what it is. Proof that someone is home to ask "why do they keep making shit movies?"
I can't help but wonder what would happen tomorrow if suddenly your Internet connection stopped working forever. What would you do to pass the time if TV wasn't an option? And if you're able to keep cool during a media blackout what of your neighbor? If entertainment is the bulwark holding back the furor what then would you do?


Anthony Benedetto said...

Scary Thoughts Dude!

Adam Schnapper said...

Yeah, whew, this post is all over the place. And here's my unwarranted critique:

What do you mean by "disaster movies"? I'm confused.

Why are Saw and Alien vs. Predator "dumb ass" movies? Panning movies can be fun, but at least give some reasoning, every movie gets a fair trial, its the way of the cereal!

I guess what I'm saying is don't be afraid to pace yourself with writing your ideas out, and do more focused posts. You can always write up draft posts of something you wanna cover, and publish them later. I've got whole bunch (check 'em out and add anything if you want)

Ron said...

Oh boy. This post isn't ready to be seen yet. I must of hit the wrong button or something. How do I remove it? Wow. I feel really silly. Which for me is saying something.

Adam Schnapper said...

Haha, that's alright, the posts can be silly anyway. If you open it back up to edit it, you can select "save as draft" and it will go off the list until you hit "publish" again. You can also change the post date on it, if you make a bunch of changes and want to re-issue this post.

Anthony Benedetto said...

I liked "North". How can a movie with Bruce Willis and John Ritter be bad? Ishtar was a piece of crap.

Look for my blog where I defend "North" (Just Kidding.)

Adam Schnapper said...

Oh, a secession, already!? Over "North"? Hahaha. A blog divided against itself cannot stand!