Friday, March 21, 2008


I eat a lot of cereal. A lot a lot. I also watch a lot of movies. So naturally I associate the two. In fact often when I see movies, especially old ones with that crackling and popping sound, I'm reminded of the food I like to eat when I watch a movie. This is very inconvenient when I'm at the mercy of concessions at the theater. This blog would be called dinner and a movie, except I don't know how to cook, and sure can't offer you any recipes in between breaks, such as the case is for the TBS Show.

So, I am finally starting up a place to store all of my thoughts on movies. This is in conjunction with my DVD archiving and viewing project, which I will explain in post II. I hope to incorporate other regular posters into this blog, and I already have a few invites in mind.

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