The trippy seizure-inducing animation sequences may not have deterred hippies. In fact some might argue that the only right way to see the movie is through a haze of bong smoke. (Josh, remember my theory about the Wanee festival poster?) Anyway, us younguns are a little more "square", yet hip to the reports of kids getting seizures from similar effects in Japanese anime. Awareness! Kind of a buzzkill.
13 Ghosts
Ok, this one tops my list, I have yet to encounter a recommendation to best it. Being a cliche horror movie, most of this movie is dark and cool colored, emphasis on the dark. Additionally I actually saw this bomb in the theater. The trouble is groups of three or so pure white frames have been laced into this trashy movie, representing lighting strike style flashes, forcing your pupils to contract and expand until they explode. Roger Ebert said in his review of this film, "The experience of watching this film is literally painful...flash frames attack the eyeballs..."
The average cut in this movie is 1.3 seconds. Which means if you take out the sappy scenes where we actually wish the cuts were shorter, what we have left is a mashing together of action filled cuts, all competing for a precious one half to one full second of your time, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing! What this means for your eyes, is that they were surely dry out and get exhausted trying to keep up with blitz of visual information.
Monty Python and The Holy Grail
As much as I love this movie, and the opening credits, those responsible for the yellow and red flashing colors, should be sacked. And if they aren't, then those responsible for sacking those responsible will also be sacked.
Conspiracy Theory
The interrogation scene of this movie was a little much to look at, not to mention creepy. At least here, the flashing dark and light frames are unevenly spaced giving an organic effect similar to when a subway goes over a weak spot on the rail and the lights flicker. As for Patrick Stewart inter-cut with a cartoon I said, creepy.
Interesting list, defintely have to agree with it. Has you know I would add "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." Well on the topic of Mel Gibson we should discuss how "Passion of the Christ" is a two hour snuff film. That film can be blinding to.
Is passion blinding? I've never seen it. Remember in this list I mean the most literally blind, it has nothing to do with the content, I'm only looking at something that literally hurts your eyes or is hard physically to look at.
I would add to this list, on a personal level, would be Toy Story. I know that sounds a little weird but it was the first animation of it's type and it took me sooooo long to adjust my eyes when I watched it at the cinema. Brilliant film but it certainly did my eyes in.
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