Friday, May 23, 2008

The burning question

I'm at work now, and judging this first day of heat, I am starting to wonder if I have to take some of those hard drives holding all of my movie images out of the computer and to someplace cooler. Just to recap, I have about 500 movies stored at full disc size (about 8gb per DVD) over 5tb of hard drive space. The summer heat should make it even hotter inside that computer tower, so I may have to organize the images so that I can use only one hard drive at a time, instead of 7 or 8. Maybe I should make a drive with 50 or must-see summer films and store the rest. The burning question is, what goes to storage and what stays in the computer?


The hard drives have now been removed from my tower, and I've been swapping them in and out of a dual enclosure. I also added another terrabyte into the mix, craziness! I now have to go back into each drive and add to my catalog the location of each DVD. I have my work cut out for me.

1 comment:

Ric Burke said...

Are you guys ever coming back?

Don't give in, keep blogging.